Material provided: Live adults (or immature stages)
Unit definition: Batch of 50 ticks (or the equivalent number of immature stages to produce 50 adults in a minimal 6-months period)
Vector information
Family: Argasidae
Genus: Ornithodoros
Species: Ornithodoros moubata
Place of origin: Neuchâtel University
Date of colonisation: 2008
Production protocol
Ticks are reared under specific conditions (no light – 25°C – 80% RH) using only artificial blood feeding. Considering the minimal 6-months period to complete the development cycle and the decreasing success of blood feeding and possible mortality along developmental stages, adults are provided in batches of 8 individuals and immature stages (eggs, larvae, or nymphs from stage 1 to 7) in batches of the equivalent number of individuals to ultimately produce 8 adults. At the reception, ticks can be kept unengorged for several weeks before provided that they are under suitable environmental conditions.
For more information, please contact us.