Culex quinquefasciatus strain Slab live eggs


Reference: V.3.2.1.L.FR.136.16
Origin: California, USA, 1966
Material provided: Live eggs
Unit definition: 150-200 eggs
Provider country: France (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement - IRD)

Egg rafts are laid and hatched in dechlorinated tap water and larvae are reared under controlled conditions

SKU: V.3.2.1.L.FR.136.16 Category: Tags: ,


Material provided: Live eggs
Unit definition: 10 egg rafts (each raft contains 150-200 eggs)

Vector information

Family: Culicidae
Genus: Culex
Species: Culex quinquefasciatus
Strain Name: Slab
Place of origin: California, USA
Date of colonisation: 1966 (Georghiou et al)

Production protocol

Eggs are laid and hatched in dechlorinated tap water and larvae are reared under controlled conditions of 300-400 larvae per litre. Larvae are fed every 3 days with 200 mg of a 1:2 mix of Tetramin®/ powdered rabbit food. Larval tray water is changed on feeding days to avoid bacterial growth on the water surface. When pupation starts, trays are placed inside an emergence cage (at 26°±1°C with a 12h:12h light: dark cycle, 70% relative humidity) and provided with an ad libitum  source of 10% sugar solution for the emerged adults.


Georghiou GP, Metcalf RL and Gidden FE (1966) Carbamate-resistance in mosquitoes: selection of Culex pipiens fatigans Wied. for resistance to Baygon. Bull. WHO 35: 691-708

For more information, please contact us.

Additional information

Provider country



Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)

Additional conditions

Subject to authorization to import to the country of the user. Cannot be sent to countries with a risk of establishment of this vector species.


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