Phlebotomus orientalis preserved or extracts


Reference: V.6.4.P.CZ.138.20
Origin: Ethiopia, before 2010
Material provided: Whole sandflies, dissected tissues, or extracts
Unit definition: 200 sandflies (100 if dissected)
Provider country: Czech Republic (Charles University - CUNI)

Laboratory colony maintained under standard conditions at 26±1 °C, 90% relative humidity.

SKU: V.6.4.P.CZ.138.20 Category: Tags: , ,


Material provided: Whole sandflies, dissected tissues, or extracts
Unit definition: 200 sandflies (100 if dissected)
Availability: This product is designed for projects that require up to 10 units of sandflies, infected sandflies or sandfly-derived products (all species combined) per order. The product is particularly aimed at pilot and exploratory-scale projects. Please contact the TNA Manager for larger requests or additional information.

Vector information

Family: Psychodidae
Genus: Phlebotomus
Species: Phlebotomus orientalis
Place of origin: Ethiopia
Date of colonisation: before 2010

Production protocol

Laboratory colony maintained under standard conditions at 26±1 °C, 90% relative humidity and 12/12 light/dark photoperiod. Larvae provided with standardized fermented diet (rabbit pellets/rabbit faeces), adults with constant access to cotton wool soaked with 50% sugar and a water source. For more details see the reference below.

Product options

Please specify in your request:

Sample size: For larger sample sizes, request more units.

Whole or dissected: Instead of 200 whole sandflies, material can be supplied from dissected material harvested at the appropriate time point: 100 dissected midguts or 100 dissected salivary glands, provided with the corresponding carcasses.

Form of material:

  • Whole sandflies or dissected tissues, fixed in 70% ethanol, formalin, or other fixative: useful for DNA extraction from 70% ethanol, immunohistochemistry, not useful for RNA experiments or proteomics.
  • Whole sanflies or dissected tissues, homogenised in a lysis buffer such as Trizol: useful for RNA, DNA and protein experiments.
  • Whole sandflies or dissected tissues, frozen at -80°C or stored in RNALater: useful for RNA, DNA and protein experiments.
  • Other formats or preparations may be possible by request, contact us.


  • Volf et Volfova (2011) Establishment and maintenance of sand fly colonies. J Vector Ecol 36 (Suppl 1): S1-S9.
  • Seblova et al. (2013) Phlebotomus orientalis sand flies from two geographically distant ethiopian localities: biology, genetic analyses and ausceptibility to Leishmania donovani. PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES  7:  Article N. e2187.
  • Sadlova et al. (2015) Xenodiagnosis of Leishmania donovani in BALB/c mice using Phlebotomus orientalis: a new laboratory model. Parasit Vectors. 8:158.

For more information, please contact us.