Material provided: Whole unfed ticks (larvae or adults)
Unit definition: Batch 20 unfed adults or 1000 larvae
Vector information
Family: Amblyommidae
Genus: Rhipicephalus
Species: Rhipicephalus bursa
Place of origin: Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France.
Date of colonisation: 2018
Production protocol
Ticks are reared under specific conditions (no light – 25-27°C – 85% RH fed on laboratory animals. A minimum three month period is necessary to produce unfed larvae or adults. Entire ticks are killed by freezing at -80°C for later use.
Product options
Please specify in your request:
Stage : adult or larvae
For adults, a mix of males and females (50:50) is provided, if you only want males or females, please specify this in your request.
Form of material:
- Whole ticks, fixed in 70% ethanol, formalin, or other fixative: useful for DNA extraction from 70% ethanol, immunohistochemistry, not useful for RNA experiments or proteomics.
- Whole ticks, homogenised in a lysis buffer such as Trizol: useful for RNA, DNA and protein experiments.
- Whole ticks or dissected tissues, frozen at -80°C or stored in RNALater: useful for RNA, DNA and protein experiments.
- Other formats or preparations may be possible by request, contact us.
Sample size: For larger sample sizes, request more units.
For more information, please contact us.